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Picture Book Spotlight: The Girl Who Wanted to Write

For the month of November, Wildberry Ink will feature a series on picture books written and published from around the world. These picture books were personally curated for our book collection from bookstores in the country that they were written, illustrated, and published. From this series, we hope to help grow a greater appreciation by sharing stories of various perspectives told in our global community.

This spotlight features picture book from Leon, Spain --The Princess who Wanted to Write, written in Spanish by Beatriz Berrocal Pérez and illustrated by Daniel Montero Galán. This picture tells the story about pursuing dreams. The princess does not want a prince nor dresses of tulle. Instead, she dreams to write and desires to write so badly that she "cries letters that escape into the air like kites."

However, with expectations from her father to live like a proper princess, he attempts to stifle her crazy ideas by telling her she will soon forget these dreams of writing when she gets married.

When a man is to become her husband, the princess begins to doubt her future and wonder if there will ever be more for her life than jewelry, rich treasures, living from her "golden cage." From the castle window, she frees herself upon words and letters of her poetry and flies high into the sky. To read or see more of the illustrations for this book, you can read it here.

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